Our Services

Ants Control

Ants Control

Our Services

Ants are social insects and live in colonies, under the central control of a single ant, known as the Queen. The three most common household ants in Singapore are Ghost Ants, Pharaoh’s Ants, and Crazy Ants.

Do not despise and look down on this small insect. Did you know that ant can actually carry an object that is more than 100 times its body weight? The ant is able to change the size and shape of the pads on their feet, depending on the load that they carry. This allows them to increase stability with an increase of surface area contact with the ground.

Other than marveling at this fact, one has to know that ants are pests. At the slightest detection of anything sweet present in the house, they would come in swarms. They are a general nuisance and their bites could leave your skin itching and swollen for a few days. However, most household ants do not bite.

Management Strategies



Preventive Measures

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